Tag Archives: coaching

A Day in the Life– questions/study

Bible Study Colossians 3


Sometimes we humans do pretty silly tricks in an attempt to earn God’s favor.  We think if we are “holy” (meaning sinless or trying to be) we are mature Christians. That is not the case according to this passage.  This letter, written to the Colossians, indicated their wrong idea of how to live the Christian life.  They were worshipping angels and practicing asceticism or harming their bodies.  Paul corrected them by saying that the true Christian life is living out the reality of the understanding of one’s death and resurrection with Christ. It is not about getting God’s attention; we have that. It is about being the ambassador of the message, method and character of the King. We are to do what He would do in order to win others to Him. The Colossians practice did the opposite. Their life looked weird, not wonderful. Christian maturity is not magic, and it takes a lifetime for God to perfect us. The Christian life is walking day to day, putting off what is idolatrous and putting on Christ.


Read Colossians 3


  1. In verse 2, what are the “things above” that Paul is talking about? How do they relate to verses 12-17?
  2. List the items given in verses 12-17 on the left side of a piece of paper.
  3. What are the “things below” that Paul says to put to death in verses 5-10?
  4. List them on the right side of the same paper.
  5. Match the words on the left (things above) with their opposites on the right (things below).
  6. How did the Colossians miss the point of Paul’s message?
  7. Are you missing the point? How?
  8. What can you do differently?
  9. Ask God to show you those things in your daily life this week.
  10. Ask Him to help you change.










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